Emma Bartel et Katie Ebner-Landy ont le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue, en ligne, de la conférence “Genre Trouble in Early Modern England (1500-1800)”. L’événement, soutenu par Queen Mary University of London et Sorbonne Université (VALE), aura lieu le 11 mars 2022 de 9:00 à 17:00 (GMT).
Pour s’inscrire, utiliser le lien suivant: https://tinyurl.com/genre-trouble
Pour toute question, contacter les organisatrices à cette adresse: <genre.emp.conference[at]gmail.com>
9:00 Welcome Address
9.10 Life-Writing
Martin Thompson (University of Manchester) – ‘Un-editing’ the Autobiographical Fragments of Mary Ward (1585-1645): Taking the Texts on Their Own Terms
Emma Rayner (Australian National University) – Life-writing or Writing Lives? The Reception of Maternal Advice in Elizabeth Isham’s Spiritual Autobiography
10:10 Polemic
Laurent Curelly (Université de Haute Alsace) – ‘Must Invention labour into infinites?’ British Civil War Mercuries or Generic Innovation
Genevieve Bourjeaurd (Simon Fraser University) – Reading Receipts: Generic Language in Early Modern Churchwardens’ Accounts
Kathryn Murphy (University of Oxford) — Word Salads: Montaigne and the Essay Against Genre
12:10 LUNCH
13:10 Reading Genre
Jessica C. Beckman (Dartmouth College) – A marvelous hystory entitled Beware the Cat: Fiction, Compilation, and Early Modern Print
Ellen Roberts (Lancaster University) – The Horse, the Ass, and the Mule: a Linguistic Analysis of the Context, Development, and Mixing of Early Modern English Dramatic Genres
14:10 Paratexts
Béatrice Rouchon (Sorbonne Université) – ‘A Blue Coat without a Badge’: Generic Constraints in English Printed Paratexts (c.1580-1620)
Emily Smith (Université de Genève) – ‘His Comedie unto his Theatre’: Conceptions of Genre in the Early Modern Dramatic Epilogue
15:10 Hybridity
Abigail Shinn (Goldsmiths) – Popular Pastoral: Genre Trouble in Spenser’s Shepheardes Calender
Javiera Lorenzini Raty (King’s College London) – The Greekness of Hybrid Poems: Hermogenes of Tarsus’ Theory of Mixture and late Elizabethan Epyllion
16:00 Q&A
16:30 Breakout Room Drinks
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Louise McCarthy (7 février 2022). Colloque: “Genre Trouble in Early Modern England (1500-1800)”, en ligne (11 mars 2022). Les doctorant·es de la SEAA 17-18. Consulté le 14 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m7hk