Depuis le premier confinement de mars 2020, l’accès aux ressources pour la recherche est difficile, et variable selon le niveau de restrictions là où l’on se trouve—et là où se trouvent les ressources.
Liste non-exhaustive (et bilingue) de ressources en ligne à exploiter
- Internet Archive
- Hathi Trust
- online collections of the British Library and the Library of Congress
- Gallica, la bibliothèque numérique de la BNF
- universities’ online collections, such as the University of Cambridge for digitised manuscripts and rare books
- the Grub Street project, offering detailed and annontated/contextualised views of London and Westminster throughout the 16th-17th-18th centuries
- Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive and its brilliant metric/linguistic analyses
- Georgian Cities, with resources on the cartography, the architecture, and the literary, social, and cultural lives of Bath, London, Edinburgh, and the trading or industrial towns in the Georgian period
- Plagiary Poets, ‘uncovering poems that copy poems’
- Early Modern Letters Online
- Elizabeth Robinson Montagu Papers, from The Huntington digital library
- Early English Books Online (EEBO)
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- Women Writers Online, focusing on women’s writing in English in the early modern period
- Chawton House Library’s on-going Novels Online project, with full texts written by women in the long eighteenth century
- Chawton House Library’s Women writer biographies
La liste sera mise à jour à mesure que nous prenons connaissance de tout ce qui peut être à portée de clic !
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Louise McCarthy (31 mars 2021). La recherche aux temps du coronavirus. Les doctorant·es de la SEAA 17-18. Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse